Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc. ensures nondiscrimination in all its programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact our Title VI specialist at 703-787-9913. Persons with hearing-and-speech impairments can contact Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc. by using Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). TRS permits persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities. Dial 711 to be automatically connected to a TRS operator.
LEP Statement:
Gorove Slade provides language interpretation services to LEP individuals through bilingual employees. Gorove Slade will endeavor to poll current employees and volunteers for bilingualism. We will take reasonable steps, appropriate to the circumstances, to ensure that we provide interpretative services at a level of fluency, comprehension, and confidentiality appropriate to the specific nature, type, and purpose of information at issue, including contracting the services of the American Translators Association (ATA), if required.
Gorove Slade brinda servicios de interpretación de idiomas a personas LEP a través de empleados bilingües. Gorove Slade se esforzará por sondear a los empleados y voluntarios actuales sobre el bilingüismo. Tomaremos medidas razonables, apropiadas a las circunstancias, para garantizar que brindamos servicios de interpretación con un nivel de fluidez, comprensión y confidencialidad apropiados para la naturaleza, el tipo y el propósito específicos de la información en cuestión, incluida la contratación de los servicios del American Asociación de Traductores (ATA), si es necesario.
Phone: (703) 787-9595
Email: [email protected]
Corporate Headquarters
4114 Legato Road
Suite 650
Fairfax, VA 22033
Tel: (703) 787-9595
Alexandria, VA
225 Reinekers Lane
Suite 750
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: (703) 721-3044
Bethesda, MD
4550 Montgomery Avenue
Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: (301) 708-3061
Richmond, VA
4951 Lake Brook Drive
Suite 250
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Tel: (804) 362-0578
Washington, DC
1140 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 1010
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 296-8625