Gorove Slade is currently working with Loudoun County transportation staff and Dewberry to prepare the Interchange Justification Report (IJR) for a break in the existing limited access to provide a new interchange on the Route 7 Bypass at Route 690 near the Town of Purcellville.
The proposed interchange is located approximately two miles west of the Berlin Turnpike / Route 7 Interchange and approximately two miles east of the E. Loudoun Street / Route 7 Interchange. The project is proposed to increase the connectivity in the roadway network around Purcellville VA and provide a more direct route to destinations north and northeast of Route 7, including the schools complex at Woodgrove High School and Mountain View Elementary on Alder School Road.
Gorove Slade provided traffic forecasting and traffic analysis design services for the preparation of the IJR consistent with FHWA’s guidelines. The work involved coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) as well as the Loudoun County staff. Gorove Slade worked closely with VDOT’s Central Office staff to introduce a refined framework document that outlined the parameters of the IJR. Another part of the design work involved working with Dewberry to assist the county in evaluating two design alternatives. The alternatives were individually tested, their operations summarized and their costs determined to help the County and its elected officials make a recommendation.